了解你自己 ------- Henry goes to Taiwan, China, and Germany ------- Erkenne Dich Selbst

Friday, July 01, 2005

Summary: Conclusion

So that's a really short summary of what's happened so far. David and Becky left about three weeks ago to go to the mainland (where I will hopefully join them and other Davidson students in August, more on that later).

Most days my schedule is the same: I go to school and work, and then in the evenings I go out with friends from work (mostly from the youth and international departments), or with Bryan and Emily. Going out with Taiwanese is fun but crazy -- sometimes they expect a lot of drinking and then of course everyone heads to the Karaoke lounges to sing the night away until the wee hours of the morning. This will tire anyone out, especially with classes and work starting early the next morning (since these are weeknights we're talking about).

On Wednesday I got off work and went to the historic port town of Danshui with Bryan and his friend Dave (as you can probably see from some of the pictures). There are Dutch and Spanish forts there from the 17th century. And yes, of course, the Dutch were the first Europeans to set up trading here. Eat it.

From now on, I will continue this blog everyday as best I can, and I will post three times a week at least. Right now it's almost 10pm on Friday night, and its time to do sweeter things than sitting in the internet cafe.


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